Learn how to make unique, DIY stocking holders for your mantel this December using dollar-store wooden boxes. The finished holder even has a little drawer for a secret gift on Christmas morning 🎁.

The project tutorial below is intended for stocking holders to be put on a fireplace mantel; tho they would work on a shelf too. But I have a few more ideas on how to hang your stocking if you don’t have a fireplace.
How do you hang a stocking without a mantel?
Wall Hooks or Adhesive Hooks: Install wall hooks or use removable adhesive hooks to hang stockings on a wall. These hooks can be positioned anywhere and removed easily without damaging the wall.
Stocking Holder Stand: Use a freestanding stocking holder stand, which can hold multiple stockings and can be placed anywhere in your home.
Furniture Edges: Hang stockings from the edges of sturdy furniture like bookshelves, TV stands, or dressers using decorative clips or small hooks.
Staircase Railings: Tie the stockings to your staircase railings with decorative ribbons or string for a festive look.
Window Sills: If you have deep window sills, you can place stocking holders there or use removable hooks to hang the stockings.
Door Knobs: Hang the stockings from interior door knobs in your home for a simple and easy display.
DIY Stocking Hanger Box: Create a personalized hanger box, like your craft project, that can be placed on the floor or a table.
Command Strips: Use Command strips to attach stocking hooks to the wall, which can hold the weight of a filled stocking and can be removed easily.
Decorative Ladder: A decorative ladder can be a stylish way to hang stockings by draping them over the rungs or hooks.
But let's look at this tutorial in case you do have a fireplace (or a shelf).
How to make DIY stocking holders:

Small wooden boxes (these type of boxes I used are always at the Dollar Tree)
Wooden alphabet letters (optional)

Step 1 - Paint the wooden boxes

Paint the edges of the box to match the different scrapbook papers you'll put over it. You'll want to paint the box's top, both sides and back.
I painted mine so that I'd have different patterned papers for each side of the box.
Step 2 - Glue the papers on each side of the box

Cut the paper so that it is a bit smaller than each side (that way, you don't have to worry about some of the paper hanging off the edges. Use Mod Podge to glue it on, both under and over the paper. Do this on all 4 sides.
I originally used matte Mod Podge, but I later decided to coat it with a gloss Mod Podge. So, either one works at this step.
Optional ideas:
Use stickers instead of scrapbook paper:

Paint your own pattern or designs:

Step 3 - Paint the edges on the front of the box

If you are able to find the same box I found at Dollar Tree, there will be an edge around the opening of the box that you'll want to paint.
Step 4 - Paint the inside drawer of the box

Here, I used a can of spray paint to paint the drawer, but any paint will work.
I painted all my drawers a different color:

Step 5 - Drill a hole in the front of the box

Use a small drill or rotary tool bit near the bottom of the box. With these boxes, it is on the front of the drawer.
Step 6 - Screw the hook into the box

Depending on how big you made your hole, you should be able to screw into the box. If you made the hole a little too big so that it just goes in without screwing, that's ok too.

The screw will be sticking through the inside of the box, and that's what we want to have happen.
Step 7 - Add flat-back marbles to the bottom of the box

Add the flat-back marbles so that they're a little higher than where your screw sticks out.
The reason we're doing this step is to add some weight to the holders so that they don't fall over when you add your stocking.
Step 8 - Mix up some 2-part epoxy resin

We will be adding epoxy resin to the marbles to hold them and the back of the screw in place. So mix enough to do that for all the boxes you're making.
Step 8 - Pour the resin over the marbles

Pour enough just to cover the marbles.
Because there's that little window, I had to be careful not to put too much resin. You'll have to do the same if you have these boxes, too.
Here is what it should look like when it's all cured:

The resin is a nice step because it creates a flat surface for you to add a small gift inside the box.
Step 9 - Paint and attach wooden initials to the top of the box

This is a nice touch to personalize each box, but it is totally optional.
You can find 3D letters or flatter letters for the front of a box on Amazon
Step 10 - Display your stocking holders with stockings on your mantel!

Don't they look great?
If you couldn't figure it out, the Bob Ross stocking is mine 😄.
And don't forget:

You can add a little present to the inside of the box as a special surprise.
So, what are you waiting for?
Head to the dollar store to get started on this fun Christmas craft project.
For more DIY Christmas crafts, check out all my tutorials for winter holiday DIY decorations.
You can also visit all my adult craft tutorials.